450 638-8989

35 Route de Lectoure
32700 Lagarde
06 36 40 51 23

Wojska Polskiego 39A/23
794 261 923

Best system fornon-profit organizations

What does our system include for
Non-profit organizations ?

Create event management workflows for fundraising events

Schedule meetings with new donors and record all contact attempts at your events. Get a complete picture of who has contacted your members and the nature of those interactions. Plan any events that will allow you to help others in need.
  • Complete modification of the calendar
  • Unlimited creation, modification and cancellation of appointments.
  • Notification and feedback system.
  • Display of projects and tasks in the calendar.

Streamline your workflows and processes

Automate tasks and assign them to the appropriate coordinators. Always keep track of how tasks flow through your organization. Create policies to help your member service teams deliver first-class service.
  • Add and modify tasks for the organization
  • Time tracking for each task
  • Creation of projects and monitoring of their activity

Manage volunteers and estimate fundraising opportunities

Which of your members are volunteers? Maintain a database of active volunteers with custom fields, turning your software into a powerful volunteer and fund management platform.
  • Statistics on all your resources
  • Intuitive interface
  • Greater efficiency in resource management

Make data-driven decisions

Create customized management plans for each stakeholder in your nonprofit organization. Keep your financial health in check and create forecasts based on future donor activity.
  • Detailed management of each organization
  • Creation and modification of projects and tasks assigned by         the organization.
  • Efficient management of time spent and scheduled.

Your organization will be easily modifiable thanks to the page management module.

Fast and effective communication with your customers will be your asset, and modern marketing tools will help you build your reputation. Thanks to them, you will gain and keep the loyalty of your customers. Bet on an effective promotion and see how your schedule fills up with Logicake.
  • Simple page managements
  • Easy to modify elements.
  • Significantly improves the organization's online visibility.

Simple and clear menus to make your work
your work enjoyable.

4 simple rules for your new reality.

From the main menu, you have access to all the modules you need for your daily work.
Each module has subordinate elements, so they are always at hand.
and Fast Access
Menus always visible and easily accessible from any level of the Logicake application.
There is always space
It is always possible to add additional modules to facilitate your work.

See how

Logicake works

Our platform is fully mobile.

Logicake is very well suited for mobile work. This tool is ideal for organizations or volunteers who need to access it on any device and from anywhere in the world.
  • Easy access to Logicake
  • Fully responsive application use
  • Adapred to your needs
  • 100% protected against data theft

Stay in touch with your customers at all times.

With Logicake, you will always be kept informed. Our system offers you email and SMS notifications, so you never miss a customer. With Logicake, you can easily and comfortably know what's going on around the world.
  • Notifications by courriel
  • Notifications by SMS
  • Messaging system
  • Simple message history management

Already more than 100 professionals  

of beauty and more use Logicake

of the users

We chose Logicake to create our website. The content management system is very simple and intuitive to update. We find in the CMS all our information related to the reservation forms. Our investment is very profitable. Thank you to all the team behind Logicacke !
For RTR solution, Logicake is the marketing management. We use all the functionalities of statistics and emails, I highly recommend I highly recommend it for all companies that want to be independent in marketing. It is very easy to use and perfectly adapted to our needs.
We chose to redesign our website with Logicake and its team. The platform is completely adapted to our needs: very simple and fun to use, it's what we needed to go digital!
Thanks to the software and the wise advice of the Logicake team, I was able to improve my professional organization. This time saving allows me to be more efficient during my appointments. I strongly recommend.
Try the Logicake
platform for free

450 638-8989

35 Route de Lectoure
32700 Lagarde
06 36 40 51 23

Wojska Polskiego 39A/23
794 261 923

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